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A Leader's Most Important Role

‘I’m having a hard time with one of my volunteer leaders...

...Can we talk?’

Ever heard that phrase? Ever said that phrase? Pastor and Leadership Coach Matt Adair shares about a conversation he had with a pastor who asked him that very question. One of the pastor's volunteer leaders was on the verge of burnout. Matt defines burnout as, "The combination of a strong work ethic and an underdeveloped understanding of how to lead their team." It’s a fairly common problem in volunteer leadership. If you promote someone into a team leader position, it’s most likely because they work hard. But hard work alone will not guarantee success for a volunteer leader. In fact, it just might ruin them.

"The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT TASK of a leader is to grow their ability to lead a team." Matt Adair

As a leader who is leading other leaders, you have the unique privilege of shaping the leadership of others. You are training, encouraging and developing people to move the mission of God forward.

When looking for someone to invite into a leadership role, here are three things to look for:

  1. A great team leader understands other people. They learn to leverage team members' strengths to build a great team.

  2. A great team leader communicates clearly. They listen well and can articulate their thoughts, feelings and plans.

  3. A great team leader delegates responsibly. They define the work of the team and distribute it to maximize the combined performance value of the team.

However, leaders who display those qualities rarely show up fully developed. It is our job as leaders to define, demonstrate and develop these qualities in our team members. An inclination to take initiative and gather people to achieve a common cause must be cultivated. Whose leadership potential can you encourage this week? Who can you invite to leverage their leadership on your team?

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